Friday, November 16, 2012

FUN Friday, Favorite links and more!!!

Thank the Good Lord it is FRIDAY!!!!!!!   Happy Friday y'all!

What do you having cooking for your FUN Friday?  For us it is going to be a slow day of school and PIZZA night!!!  I have not made homemade pizza in months!!!  Seriously it has been at least over four months since we had a homemade pizza night. 

So this morning I had to get out my cookbook with the recipe because I couldn't remember how to make the dough for the pizza crust.  I use Pdub's recipe for the crust and just wing it the rest of the way.  You can find that recipe HERE . Her recipe makes enough dough for two pizzas. 

I plan to do a plain cheese pizza with lots of sauce.  The other I make cheesy garlic bread.  I melt a crazy amount of butter and mix garlic powder with it.  While that is going on I blind bake my dough.  Once the dough is a itty bitty brownish color I spread the crazy amount of butter and garlic all over the dough/crust.  Next I add an insane amount of mozzarella cheese and sprinkle Italian seasoning over the top.  Bake until cheese is nice bubbly and light brown.  Or however you like it!  

As usual we will work on home projects around the house.  And then I plan to start putting away my fall and Thanksgiving stuff.  Now hold on, I did not say I was putting up Christmas stuff, but I will confess, I am ready. 

Especially after yesterday.  We went tree shopping!  To a real Christmas Tree Farm!
Searching for the "perfect" tree.
Because we are in a much smaller home now, with limited space for a tree, it was not easy finding a slender tree, but they did a have few.

And we found one!!!  We tagged it and will go pick it up next weekend.  The boys loved running around  looking for our tree! 
The perfect tree for this little house!
*Notice sticks for ninja fighting*
I also confess I am getting really excited about decorating for Christmas!!!  It will be fun to see how all I have comes together in a much smaller home.  And to decorate the front porch too!  No worries though. I will give Thanksgiving it's day and hold off until after the big feast.   Speaking of.........I saw this on FB yesterday and think it is most fitting.

I could not agree more!!!
Now for just a couple of my favorite links from the week!!  The little Thanksgiving treat bags are precious!  And I am hoping I can find the candy and Bugles to make these for next week.
The table runner may be intended for a kids' table, but I want to make one for our family table.  And not for Thanksgiving.  For a rustic Christmas table runner.  I'll share if I do.


Enjoy these two super cute ideas!  Have a great weekend and get OUTSIDE and have some FUN!!!!!

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