Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday-Little things

Today I am thankful for the little things in life. So often I take the little things for granted.  Here are a few on my mind today.......

-Quiet mornings after Brant leaves for work. At 5am the house is really still and quiet. I love making lists for the day, drinking my coffee, catching up on emails, FB, my blog and other blogs.  Now if I could only learn to remember this cherished time when things get rough at 10am this morning!

-That little pill!!!  Oh thank you Heavenly Father for the man or woman who discovered allergy medications!!!!  I could not make it through some days without allergy meds.

-My shabby fingerless gloves!!!  I know they look awful, but what you are seeing is a whole lot of love wrapped around my cold hands. My hands get so cold in the fall/winter months.  These little gloves are a blessing to me as I can't just keep my hands in my pockets to stay warm.  These help me in carrying on with life.
*Target-dollar section!
-Good books that inspire creativity in children!!!  We have been reading two different books for school.  Which by the way I absolutely LOVE "My Father's World" curriculum!!!  The two books, American Pioneers and Patriots and Squanto Friend of the Pilgrims, have definitely caught the boys attention.  They beg for more after each chapter!  And last night the boys had a full table of crafts going on.  They were making a headdress like Indians wear.  I loved hearing them talk about Squanto and other Indians that have only heard about in BOOKS!  No TV or video games. 
Just them using their good old imagination!!!   
Ryan mastered cutting!! FINALLY!
That is a post to come....children and learning. Stay tuned!
And last but not least is food.  I am so thankful for food and special little sweet treats!  There are so many families that do not have the simple pleasure of baking/have money for extras.  I love baking something sweet for all my guys.  It not only brings me peace to be in the kitchen, but puts a smile on all their faces.  Today I am thankful for pumpkins, pecans and butterscotch chips.  Boy oh boy were these muffins DELISH with coffee yesterday afternoon.  I usually add cinnamon chips to pumpkin muffins/bread, but can not find them anywhere.  Butterscotch was a grand substitute!
What are the little things you are thankful for today?

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