Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Poultry Record

Is it Friday yet? With the holiday on Monday I have my days mixed feels like it should be Friday.  But alas one more day.

So Happy Thursday to you all. 

Monday was a holiday for Brant and we decided to make it a school holiday too.  Well kinda.  We did work on our organizational skills. We cleaned the boys' room.  It! Was! Awful!  But it is nice now.  And after we made a trip out to the country (Brant's brother's place). 

The boys always love running around out there playing with the dogs, chasing the cats and bothering the chickens.  They are usually getting into things and going places they are not suppose to be.  What a FUN time for two almost eight year old little boys! 

We went out to the country to see the progress Daddy and their uncle had done to the "chicken house".  Did you miss our news? 

We, along with my brother in law and his family, are going to raise chickens to later butcher and eat.  And we have started a new blog to document it all along the way!  

The Poultry Record .
"A Chronicle of Two Families' Adventures in Raising Pastured Poultry"

And Brant did a quick update last night.  Go check it out.

The Poultry Record .

And come back tomorrow for a FUN Friday post!  Two recipes for Valentine's Day.  One to eat and share with those you love.  And one to make for the little people in your life.....this one is to play with!

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