Wednesday, January 23, 2013


"A particular moment is so spiritually moving that we feel a sense of transcendent majesty within. Beauty suddenly captures us."

I have always been a lover of all things created by my Heavenly Father.  And can sometimes be a little over the top with my feelings.  Nature just does that to me. 

After reading "Eyes Wide Open" it simply justified all I ever felt about the thousands of gifts God has given us in nature.  In many other areas too!  Art, books, movies, music, cooking, baking, etc., but nature is where I see it most, but I am working on the other areas. 

If we open our eyes He is everywhere! 

Temperatures are slowly getting warmer around here in SE Texas.  The sun is out after lots of rainy days. We have had beautiful spring-like days! Oh how it gets me itching for that amazing time of year. Now that is not to say we are totally over winter. I know we will still have some cold weather here and there.  But boy oh boy does it open my eyes to see the beauty with the sun shining bright.


The Azaleas in our front yard have been teasing us with a few blooms here and there. These beautiful pink flowers so remind me of growing up in this area......right where we are now. They are a fond memory of my childhood growing up here in SE Texas.  But I can honestly say I never looked at them the way I look at them today. Nature means so much more to me now.

"Everywhere I look, everything I feel, hear, smell, and taste transmits the beauty of God through the beauty of creation. He is the beauty behind all beauty."

I love pansies.  And they are beautiful.  But that is not the beauty I see in this picture.  Look closely at the planter.  See the green?

Yep, that is moss growing. And that is the beautiful I see. A living, growing flowerless, spore-producing plant. 

"Nature is God's self-portrait. It is not God, since God transcends what He created, but it reveals in physical form what He is like spiritually. God creates beauty so we can know what He is like."
Last week as I was making my breakfast (eggcups-eggs, baby spinach and Feta must try!) I cracked open an egg.  These are eggs from free range chickens Brant's brother and his family raise.  When I cracked open this light green egg I was in awe of the inside color.  It was beautiful!  It had me wondering which chicken laid the egg.  I wanted to thank her for this beauty.  And for making my breakfast special. 

But more importantly I thank God for the creation of it all.  The flowers, the moss and the chickens and eggs. I am thankful to catch a glimpse of my Heavenly Father.

"When we experience beauty, we are really experiencing a reflection of God's beauty."

**All quotes taken from "Eyes Wide Open" by Steve DeWitt**

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