Friday, February 22, 2013

FUN Friday-Oh it WILL Be FUN!

This was #1 all day yesterday and most of the night.  I was up with him 3 different times before we finally ended up on the cough, I mean couch, around 2am.  He had the better spot laying down while I sat up on one end and fell asleep. 

Head hurts.

Neck aches.

Which could explain why I look like this morning.

And want to do this!

I just love this face!!!

After I do this it will be a FUN Friday indeed.

Oh wait, that is me dreaming I am taking a nap on the beach.  My nap will actually be on the couch where I got the head/neck ache.  And this time I will have the whole couch!  Thank you very much.

My sweet #1 seems to be fine during the day.  Running, laughing, playing, etc. so don't think I am taking the couch from him.

FUN Friday will happen!  It just will!  It might be hard, but I'll push through!!! I so badly want to go crawl back in bed after last night!! But these little boys are counting on this momma to show them a FUN day! And that is what I plan to do.

So what will our FUN Friday consists of ?  Nothing major.

Well as I sit here drinking LOTS of coffee and watch #1 sleeping on the couch, I am thinking of our day.
-Park/nature walk
-More coffee at 3pm
-Supper-ribs my amazing husband will smoke later today. YUM!
-A lovely much needed IPA.
-And to finish the day a delicious much needed yummy dessert!

Yep, I am certain we will have FUN today!!!!

Regardless of last night's events or how your morning goes make a point of having FUN with your family today!!!!  Get outside and enjoy nature!! 

Make it a FUN Friday!!!!!!!


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Oh dear! Sorry about the crazy night! Glad you're planning a fun day though. Smoked ribs...yummmm! You enjoy the outdoors for me today, we had an ice storm and I think I'll stay in until some of it melts and it's not so slick!!

Tasha said...

Thanks Danni. Nothing went as planned, but I smell the smoker going now!

ICE STORM?! Yikes! Stay warm and safe

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

I hope your Friday got better with the coffee <3 that definitely lifts my spirits!