Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kitchen Wish List Update

Last year, pretty close to this time, I made a kitchen wish list.  You can go HERE to see what was on my list.  Yes, it is almost one year later and I am finally updating my list.

I am happy to say I have been able to mark some things off that list.  Not many, but I am working on it.  One I bought for myself and a couple were gifts.

All the things on my list were not urgent to have in my kitchen so it took me a little while.  And honestly I am not sure why it took me a year to spend less than $5 on a pastry blender. I guess because it is just not something I think about when I am out shopping.  Or maybe because I am never out shopping for fun. 

Not until this past Friday night.....our date night.  It was more window shopping for me as I tagged along with my Honey who did the shopping. 

And it was him who reminded me of my need of a pastry blender in Target (Me + Target = BAD). 

So this is what I have had the pleasure of marking off my Kitchen Wish List..................

The blue BIG pot was a gift from my parents after we moved in here.  She thought it would go nicely with the curtain she made for the kitchen door.  I LOVE them both!!!!

The blue rubber spatula was a gift from my sister and her family for Christmas.  The whisk was a bonus to my wish list!

The pastry blender is nothing fancy (or blue), but it sure will make whipping up my homemade biscuits a little easier.  I will be trying it out tonight.  We love breakfast for supper!

The napkins were not on my list either.  I am just a freak for cute napkins and a sucker when they are on clearance for 67 cents or when I am in a hippie mood......see THIS post.  Does anyone else besides me and my younger sister have a fedish for napkins??

I still have a few things left on my list that I wish to have one day.  But most I can do without for now. 

Since making my list one year ago I can only think of one other thing that would make my days easier in the kitchen.  That would be a new food processor.  Our current one was a wedding gift almost 14 years ago.  It's a Kitchen Aid, but a small one. I truly put it to the test every Friday night for Pizza Night. So far it has done very well, but grating 2 lb. monster blocks of cheese really puts it to work.  I'll keep on using it until it decides to quit and then I'll start looking for a new one.  Unfortunately I can not find one in blue.  Maybe I'll settle for RED!


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Hurray for crossing stuff off of your list! Target + me = bad2!! Maybe you should get a white food processor and put some blue washi tape on it to make it match? I love washi tape! It comes right off without leaving any sticky stuff!

Meagan Dennison said...

I'm pretty sure Cuisinair makes a blue one. I'll see if I can find it and send you a link!

Tasha said...

Oh Danni, what a brilliant idea with the washi tape. I have never used it, but SO want to try it with something.

See lady, you have that creative mind!

Tasha said...

That would be awesome Meagan!
Do you have a Cuisinart?