Friday, May 24, 2013

FUN Weekend-Beach, Memorial Day, Recipes AND a Craft!

Happy Friday to you. I have all kinds of FUN to share today.  But first lets chat about what this weekend brings.  For many it will bring a L O N G weekend.  That extra day off resulting in a short week next week.  All because of our holiday on Monday, MEMORIAL DAY! 

Memorial Day is not only a special day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, it also kicks off BBQ season.  So as you fire up the pit pay some respect to those who gave their lives for YOU.

BBQ season is here and also time to head to the BEACH.  Finally.  I am so excited that tomorrow my toes will be in SAND.   

I have been waiting for months to go and can hardly contain myself that the day is finally here.  I'll spare you today from all my obsessive thoughts, feelings and love for the beach.  Pure beachful bliss is in my very near future.

Tomorrow's Motto

Now, lets get on with the recipes. 

In light National Strawberry Month I am sharing several strawberry recipes from the archives. Although I think any of these would be great to make this weekend, pay special attention to the second one, Not Yo' Mama's Berry Pudding Trifle. 

This is a show stopper and everyone will love you for making it.  It is the perfect dessert for this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. 

Strawberry Bread with Strawberry Butter -perfect breakfast bread for the holiday.

Not Yo' Mama's Berry Pudding Trifle -dessert to make you famous!

Strawberry and Cream Popsicles -for the kids.  Adults too.

Strawberry Brushchetta -perfect appetizers while your honey is busy working the pit.

And last, but certainly not least my super, duper easy craft to make for your Memorial Day party.  My crafty one, Matthew AKA #2,  ask yesterday if we should make something special for Memorial Day.  I tell you what, that little boy thinks just like his Momma.  And always reminds me of decorations for ANY holiday.  We call him Matthew Stewart.  This little banner would also be cute with bright colorful fabric for summer.  I hope to make one soon. I got the idea from HERE .

This will be used again for 4th of July although #2 says it needs flags on it.  It cost me nothing.  I'll beat you have stuff in your stash too to make one up today.  Make sure to check out the link for other banner ideas.

I love the simpleness of this banner.
Yarn, twine and scrap fabric made up this festive little banner.

Be safe this weekend. Wear sunscreen during extended times in the SUN.  Otherwise soak up the natural vitamin D.  Dr. Mercola advises it!
Hang your flag on Monday and think about those who serve.  Thank those you know personally who have served and are serving now.  Maybe thank a stranger too!

Whatever you do this weekend get OUTSIDE and have some FUN!!!!!

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

That trifle looks delicious! You know I love a simple craft and that banner is the the cutest! Way to go girl!