Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Tip-Homemade Italian Seasoning

I've had this recipe for a couple of years now and finally got around to making it/measuring and pouring into a bowl and mixing. 

I use a lot of Italian Seasoning.  I use it every Friday night making our homemade pizza dough.  And I sprinkle it on our pizzas before going in the oven.

I made this seasoning two weeks ago, but wanted to try it a couple of times before sharing.  My thinking was if Brant and the boys eat pizza as usual then the seasoning must taste the same.  This past Friday was week two using it in the dough and on top of pizza.  I finally asked and no one could tell a difference. 

SCORE!  It's a keeper!

I will say this could be expensive to make if you do not have all spices and dry herbs on hand.  In my case it cost me nothing thanks to my inlaws giving home grown-home dried herbs for a Christmas gift last year!

Here is what you will need:

3 tablespoons Basil
3 tablespoons Oregano
3 tablespoon parsley
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon rosemary
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Mix all in bowl (or the container you plan to keep it in) and stir.  Once this sits on the shelf for a while all those seasoning settle to the bottom.  So make sure to give it a shake or two before using it each time.

It smells amazing!  And looks so fresh compared to the store bought. 

You might also like my recipe for Homemade Taco Seasoning .


Our Pinteresting Family said...

This sounds great! Thanks for sharing this recipe. :) I'm going to pin this to try out soon.

Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

I wish I could smell through the computer. I am sure this is so much better than store bought. Thanks for sharing your recipe.