Friday, July 12, 2013

When Hope Fades

This week the friendships I made in Fort Worth have been on my mind.  Some days heavier than others.  It's coming up close to a year we have been gone.  We lived there for close to eighteen years.

It all comes after receiving a text from a friend telling me she is going be induced Monday.  When I read the text all sorts of memories came rushing back to me.  This is her third baby.  I was there for the birth of her first two and can remember vivid details.  But for this one I will not be there.  Not even close.

I thought about the friendship we shared through the years.  So many FUN memories!  Tons of laughs and lots of hard times too.  Working together, our weddings, the talks about life over shared meals, the growing pains, the new houses we got excited about, welcomed news of long desired pregnancies and so much more!  We were there for one another through it all.  And now that friendship is simply through texts.  Funny how the world has become so crazy that friendships are now through texting, emails, Facebook, Instagram and or blogging.  Don't get me wrong I am all for it.  It might be strange to you to think of having friends via online/through an electronic device, but it has literally got me through this past year on some days.  I have "met" some amazing women through blogging that have made an impact on me.  I have the privilege of sharing a little bit of their lives daily.  And to be able to stay in contact with friends was a mood saver to say the least.  There were days I would receive a text or email from an old friend that helped brighten my day.  Would I have rather heard a voice through the phone?  Oh sure, but I'm not so hard headed that I will not enjoy hearing from them none the less.  You can knock if you like, but there are positives in social media, texting and email.  Not a ton, but there are some there.  And just so you know I do believe there are down sides to it as well.  Part of the reason I removed myself from FB at the beginning of the year.  But that is for another day and time.....this post is not about social media.

This post is about when hope fades.

Everyone has crummy days and weeks.  This week I have been especially tired and my body was telling me all about it.  I already knew it, but it is certain I require more than six hours of sleep.  Lack of sleep and recalling memories of friends just makes me down right miserable. My hope was beyond fading.  It was GONE! 

What do you do when hope fades?

For me it is finding one little piece of happiness to bring me back.  It could be an afternoon alone drinking coffee and reading a book.  It might be a walk out in nature really opening your eyes to the beauty all around.  It might be gathering your littles on the couch and watching a beloved movie.

But today, for me, it was looking at what is to come.


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

It makes me SMILE!

Any day now my sunflowers will be blooming.  To say that I am excited is an understatement.  I will warn you I will probably post way too many pictures of them as they bloom.  So get ready! 

I planted these in May and have been watching and waiting.  And had just about given up hope.  Until this week.  On the last day of this week I finally saw it!  There was hope!  Right there in front of my eyes.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

A hope only my Heavenly Father can give me.  It's not hard to find once I open my eyes (and my Bible) and realize this life is already all planned out for me.  And I just know it will be amazing!

Even on those crooked crazy days when life knocks you down there is hope to move back up.

See it!  It started growing crooked and now straight again!

So today if your hope is fading I encourage you to find one little piece of happiness and hold on tight.  Don't dwell on the negative.  Find the positive even in your struggles.  And whatever you do on this Friday get outside and have some FUN!!! 

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Our FUN Friday is actually happening.  Slow morning, rewards for good attitudes and pizza night.  And......did you know July is National Ice Cream Month?!  Guess what we are making this weekend? 


Heather Nelsen said...

Beautiful post, Tasha! So glad we "met". :) Hoping you have a sweet weekend with your hubby and boys!


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Wonderful advice for all, Tasha! A good book and some deck time seem to lift my spirits on a regular basis.