Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Tip-Idiot Box Detox

With school just a few weeks away it is time to have an Idiot Box Detox.  I will shamefully admit that box has been watched way too much this summer. 

Until school starts the boys will have to make an agonizing decision each day about watching TV.  Morning or afternoon?  They are allowed one hour. 

Once school starts we do not turn the TV on until much later in the day.  Maybe not until the evening news.

When I announced my new plan yesterday I got lots of complaints.  I might have witnessed a meltdown.  I heard things like, "I'll be bored", "What do we do" and the old "You are mean". 

Looks like I could use some help from Momma Bear.


Yep, I am the bad guy right now.  But it will pass just like it did yesterday. 

This is what happens when you turn off the tube and make your children use their imaginations.

They create and learn.  They have plenty to share with Daddy when he gets home---explaining how magnets work and showing off masterpieces of art.

And when the indoor fun runs out you might find them like this.

No we did not have a cold front come in and yes Matthew is having trouble with the knot.
How do you handle TV time with your children?

Detoxification-the process, real or perceived, of removing toxins from the body.


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Oh what fun! No kids here anymore, but when Jacob comes, he can watch TV only while I'm in the kitchen fixing a meal. We don't spend enough time together as it is, so TV and soda are two things you pretty much don't get at Grandma's house! Love that picture of getting tied up to the post!! Hilarious!

Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

What great suggestions. Your little men are quite the artists. I love that they enjoy drawing, they must get that from you. Looks like the day without TV was spent making great memories.