Friday, March 7, 2014

Metallic Silver Chairs

When Brant mentioned painting our dumpster dive chairs metallic silver I was a little reluctant.  OK, a lot!  He continued to mention it every now and then until I finally said whatever-go for it!

Now lets back up a little.  These chairs we discovered in the dumpster years ago.  And actually we were not dumpster diving.  Although I see no shame in that.....your trash is often my treasure.  They just so happened to be in a dumpster next door to Brant's company shop.  They looked like they were in good condition so we grabbed them!

For years we have loved the rustic chipping green paint with the wicker seat.  But it was time for a change.  So take a look at them now.  I absolutely love them!

They really brighten up the room since just about everything we have is either black or dark rustic wood.  And on a sunny day......WHOA!  They are almost blinding.  And talk about a burst of the unusual.  They go perfectly with our eclectic style.

We love updating our home decor with a quick coat or two of paint.  Now I'm off to see what else I can find to paint metallic silver.

Happy Friday Y'all!  Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Oh I love these! What a great idea your guy had and good for you for telling him "go for it"!