Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Season of Reading

I'll admit I am not an avid reader......oh I wish I was!  But from time to time I feel the need to read.  I kinda go through seasons with reading.  And right now I feel a season of reading coming on.  Although it is not (not at all!!!) cool weather, which is perfect reading weather, it just seems fitting for fall and winter months. 

Lately I have seen a few books I am longing far and am in hopes to purchase soon.  Maybe even for a Christmas Wish List ((hint-hint)).......

What are reading these days?  Any favorites I need to read?
Please share!

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Looks like some excellent choices to me. One book that I read every holiday season is "How Far To Bethlehem?" by Norah Lofts. It's really old and kind of hard to find, but it is the most beautiful rendering of the birth of Jesus I have ever read and I never tire of reading it at Christmas time.