Friday, October 11, 2013

Five on Friday #4

As Halloween gets closer and the thought of trick-or-treating gets the boys all excited costumes have changed.  I am now putting a stop to it so they will have to make some tough decisions.
Soldier and Gladiator.  Or Red and Blue Ninja.

Even at 8 1/2 the boys still love to dress-up.  Costumes have been a big part of their play for many years.  We don't spend much on costumes, but to get two before Halloween is a BIG treat to say the least.  After Halloween we stock up.  My mom along with me and my sisters score 2-3 costumes for the regular price of one the day after.  These have made great Christmas gifts in the past.  Of course the best costumes are gone and what is left the day after are not so great.  BUT with a little imagination and effort you can throw in some accessories to make a fun costume.  Homemade costumes are the best!  I'm having a blast putting mine together. 

The COOLEST APP EVER!!!!!  Oh my goodness, this is one of the best apps I have purchased.  And I don't purchase very many.  The other day Brant told me about an app a friend at work had on his phone.  He knew it would be perfect for us since we are studying Astronomy this year in school.  And boy was he right!  Search for Google Sky in the app store.  On my phone it was called "StarMap 3D".  Here are pictures of the screen I took with my phone.  It tracks where you are and shows you the sky....stars, planets, the moon, the sun, constellations and galaxies!! 
The SUN at the top!  And then Saturn and Mercury at the bottom here.

Orion's Belt!

The MOON and the Milky Way!
You must check it out!!!!!

I used my book again to make a simple fall banner for the LR.  It took me all of about 15 minutes after a quick look through my stash.  I traced leaves and pumpkins, added cardstocks squares and stickers to spell out F A M I LY.  I like it....I like it alot :)

Do you have days you wish would just go away?!  Maybe weeks or months?  The Good Lord knows what we need best, but often times we think we know better.  Life changes, times are tough, our days don't go as planned and I run to my room like a little child and throw myself on the bed to cry we want to throw our hands up and give up.  I saw this yesterday on Girltalk and it hit me.  HARD!
Find comfort in these words.

And last but certainly not least......recently my inlaws were over and told us about a little treat.  They said you take candy corn (or corndy can as Ryan called it when he was little) and peanuts, eat together and it taste just like a PayDay Candy Bar.  We tried it and they are so right!  Lets say this is a little addictive.  And now Brach's makes the candy corn with the salted peanuts already in the bag.  This jar was full JUST YESTERDAY!  Needless to say I need to hide the jar.   

Happy Friday Y'all!  Enjoy your weekend. 


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I wish we got trick or treaters out here! What are you going to be?? I love that star app and use it alot!

Anonymous said...

I appreciated the quote ♥ Thanks for sharing!

Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

I'm not normally a fan of candy corn but mixed with peanuts might make me a convert. Great tip about the costumes! And that ap looks so cool. I'm off to check it out.