Monday, October 7, 2013

Is That Autumn I Feel?

I woke this morning to the sound of the wind,
A much cooler, welcomed friend.
AUTUMN! I feel AUTUMN in the air!

Jackets, sweaters, boots if you dare!
Cocoa, apple cider or anything HOT,
Soups, stews, chili in a big pot.
I thank God for this glimpse of fall today,
Because I am pretty certain by Friday it will feel like summer again.

Happy Monday!  I hope you are enjoying the little bits of AUTUMN in the air.  I wrote this poem last year and it sure fit for today (and yesterday!).  It is a delightful feeling to open the door and feel the coolness in the air.  Yesterday I had windows open all day enjoying the breeze.  And that breeze enticed me into the kitchen to BAKE a CAKE!  A pumpkin cake no doubt.  One of my very favorite things to do in the cooler season is to bake.  It makes my heart soar to be in kitchen baking up fall goodness for my family.  I'll be sharing this simple recipe that came from our curriculum.  Last week we were studying North America-USA.  On Friday we had a few recipes to choose from and we picked New England Pumpkin Cake.  It was super simple and I have some ideas for add ins.  Look for it later this week.

For now I am off to prepare for a new week of school and hopeful to get outside to enjoy this amazing weather.  I hope you can too!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Autumn is in the air ♥ We are feeling it too. The last few days have been just perfect... bright sunshine, beautiful colors, and a chilly breeze:) I love fall! Definitely feeling something pumpkin coming on:)

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Love your poem! I am loving autumn too! Looking forward to your recipe...I'm intrigued!