Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thankful Thursday-Strength and Freedom

Lots to be thankful for today and this week.  Here are just a few that are close to my heart.

First up during my Bible study/devotion time this week I came across these words...........
"We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life-those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration.  We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength".

Oh the mountains are beautiful.  And the sunrises are a sight to see, but it is the everyday--the good, the bad and the ugly---all the changes and the times we never planned for that make us strong.  As selfish humans we want to stay on the mountain. 
"The true test of our spiritual life is in exhibiting the power to descend from the mountain".
God gave us those amazing moments of inspiration to step back and realize they are not the everyday...they are unique and meant for something in God's purpose.

*Source-My Utmost For His Highest-Oswald Chambers
Day-October 1

Number two-my Dad had a little heart procedure on Tuesday morning.  Everything went well and he is home now recovering.  Praise God!  The boys went along and stay the whole time.  There were times they were bored, a little too loud and a little cranky, but they made it through the whole time.  Life lessons are important.  Children are stronger than we think.  And I feel they should at least be exposed to all life lessons.....even if it is for just a little while.  It is what makes them stronger and able to endure life in itself.  The best part of the day was to see them standing next to my Dad's bed and all three of them giving the thumbs up.

And number three-as hard as many days are with homeschooling the boys nothing beats "spur of the moment" learning.  As we were standing in the front yard watching squirrels devour hedgehog galls we heard what sounded like a peacock on the next street.  We wanted to run!  But it had been raining and we were all still in pjs.  So I did what any other mother would do.....I ran in the house grabbed my keys (and shoes!), jumped in the car (with the boys) and we were off searching for a big bird.  We drove around for a few minutes and saw nothing.  Well actually we saw lots, but no peacock and no sign of a big bird.  Homeschooling allows this kind of learning and I am thankful for that freedom.

What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

What a lovely devotion you shared! I'm glad your dad is doing okay and I love the thumbs up pic! I would love to hear a peacock..sorry you didn't find it!