Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte-Revised

Recently Brant and I had a Saturday to ourselves for a few hours to do some shopping.  We were near a Starbucks and decided to have a treat.  We don't go to Starbucks often and since it is the season we knew what we would order.  You guessed it-the oh so famous Pumpkin Spice Latte.  We also knew after making them at home a few weeks ago we needed to taste their version again to aid in perfecting my homemade recipe. 

Upon the first sip we knew our homemade PSLs must be sweeter!  So Sunday afternoon I made up a batch.  The revised version of this recipe is pretty darn close I must say. 

But wait!  If you are looking for a "skinny" PSL search again.  This is not your place, but the original recipe may be.  You can find it HERE . 

Back to the new my humble opinion a PSL must have the whipped topping.  Otherwise just make coffee at home and go buy a pumpkin spice creamer at the grocery store.  By the way that is not too bad either.  Anyway, although I do not know Starbuck's recipe for PSL I am pretty sure it has TONS of sugar.  As I wrote this post I became very curious about just how much sugar they do have in their PSL.  As to be expected they don't exactly give out that info.  They do give the grams of sugar per ounce, but I was too lazy to figure it all out.  So I searched on and found that LIVESTRONG.COM was not lazy.  Check this out!

Livestrong says:
"In the grande pumpkin spice latte there are 49 g of sugar, or 12.25 tsp. Even if you order just a 12 oz. drink, you still get 38 g of sugar, or 9.5 tsp. Ordering non-fat milk does not significantly affect the sugar content. While some of the sugar is naturally occurring in the milk, these numbers far exceed the American Heart Association recommendations for women to take in just six added teaspoons of sugar daily and men just nine."

So to say my new recipe has less sugar than Starbucks is a mysterious.  Although I will say I am making this for four cups.  How many ounces is each cup I have no idea.  And frankly I am not willing to take the time to figure it all out.  Besides PSL are a treat.  It is not something we have everyday.  Just know up front it has a lot of sugar!

Revised PSL
*makes four PSL

3 cups whole milk (I use 2% all the time)
3 tablespoons white sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Enough double-strength brewed coffee for 4 cups (I usually make 4 cups)

And for the topping"
4 tablespoons sweetened whipped cream
4 pinches pumpkin pie spice

Combine the milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and pumpkin pie spice in a small pan and heat until hot.  Not boiling!  You can either whisk until frothy or put in blender and mix until frothy.  Pour the milk mixture into 4 coffee mugs about half full.  Then pour coffee leaving just enough room for whipped topping.  Add a dollop of the topping and garnish with pumpkin pie spice on top.  And if you are making for company a cinnamon stick would look fancy.

I usually give the boys a little less as you can see in the picture above.  This is more like a dessert to me and still a treat for us all.  It does take a little time to make, but so worth it in my opinion.  So much so we have officially made this our Sunday afternoon treat during October and November.  So if you plan to visit us on Sunday afternoons give me a shout so I can make extra. 

Happy Wednesday!


Heather Nelsen said...

Yum oh yum! I love the idea of a Saturday morning out for you and Brant, especially since it involves a trip to Starbucks. And then to make your own pumpkin spice latte at home?! Brilliant. ;)

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I haven't had a pumpkin spice latte yet this season...I'm overdue! I'll give yours a try girl!