Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No brainer for us

I am sure some of you that know we are planning to home school the boys are completely freaked out! To say the least I bet.
You are probably saying to yourself, "Why on earth would they want to home school their boys?"
Well there are many reasons, factors and principles we took into consideration before we came to this personal, parental decision. Too much to share here.
Anyway I came across this article this morning and this will give some indication of just some of our reasons.

It explains some struggles that BOYS have going to school and in general. Anyone that has a son knows they are a breed totally different than girls. They are, to be frank.....little MONSTERS!! No just kidding, but sometimes they are. And I know some little girls are too!
Back to is just the makeup that GOD has given them. And it is natural for them to be this way. We know that if the boys were to go to public school Matthew would be pegged for ADHD and we would be advised to seek treatment.
BOLOGNA!!! He does not need treatment. And we sure would not want to start a young life of giving him drugs that potentially could lead him to being a FREAK! Sorry for being so blunt.
Anyway back to why we want to home school..........we want our boys to learn at their speed. Whether that be at a slow pace or an exceptionally fast be it. And they may be totally opposites at learning.
Read the article and get a view of what some kids have to deal with.
I know for my boys I want a laid back setting and for them to feel no pressure.
Pressure comes when you are older, much older not at 5, 6, 7 or even 8 years old!
Now I must say for my friends and family that do have children in public schools......yes I am fully aware this is not at all how ALL public schools function.
BUT we are not taking a chance........its a no brainer for us. And it is a personal right and decision that we have made for our family.

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