Saturday, August 14, 2010


Is that a great picture or what?!?!  Eleven books to add to our library!!  These are 11 out of 26 books that will go with our lessons for school.  Thanks to my Mom and Aunt Alice. 
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Our curriculum suggest books to go with each week's lessons.  It suggest either purchasing them or making a trip to the library.  What a blessing to have these given to the boys!!!  I will put them away until that particular lesson.  What a special treat it will be for the boys to have a new book to go with their lesson for that week!  Our library is growing quickly these days.  And the boys are showing many signs of being ready to read. 
In the past few weeks I have found the boys in our school room, laying on their beds(or our bed)or hanging out on the couch looking at books.  As if they were reading them they will sit quietly and look through books for a while.  I have to go see what is going on because it stays quiet for so long.

Oh how I hope they are readers and lovers of books.  I must admit I am not a reader.  I read when I have to, but can not sit to read for pleasure.  I simply fall asleep.  Their Daddy on the other hand is a reader.  I pray they pick that up from him.  What I love about these pictures of the boys is they did this all on their own.  I did not instruct them to go find a book to read.....this was none of my doings, but all of theirs.  LOVE that!  BOOKS!  Aren't they great! 


Caylee Coconut said...

Books are great!! I love to see kids reading too.If they like reading now chances are very good that they will be readers the rest of their lives. : )

Janet said...

How sweet of your family to give the books to the boys! I love books as gifts!

Also love the fact that the books go with their lessons!