Thursday, August 5, 2010


I have this thing with nature.  Any kind of nature.  And when it comes to God's creatures I am especially curious and need a closer look.  For almost a month now there has been a Cardinal who sits in our front and back yard and sings.  He has a distinct little song and when I hear it I know it is him.  With the dog and the boys scurrying all around it has been hard to get a closer look.  BUT God blessed me the other morning with a still bird and a quiet morning.  As I took Arthur out I heard his song.  I quickly ran back in to grab my camera.  As I did I prayed the dog would not scare him away.  Sure enough when I got back there he was still in the top of the tree singing that little song I have learned this summer.  GOTCHA!

For just a few minutes I was able to stand in awe of this beautiful creature GOD made!  Amazing!  It is times like this, that when the world is closing in around me,  that I sit back and think of the many blessing right before my eyes.  ALL blessings God has given me!!!  I don't need the "world" and all the garbage it throws at me.  I have everything I need in God.  So thank you God for orchestrating this GOTCHA moment so I could  finally capture a closer look at one of your creatures.  

And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let BIRDS fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.  So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds and every winged BIRD according to its kind.  And God saw that it was good.   
Genesis 1:20-21


1 comment:

Janet said...

I needed to "hear" this this morning...thanks for the reminder that I don't need all the garbage, either:)
Garbage comes in all shapes and forms, and it is sooo easy to be weighed down by it.

Again, thanks for the reminder!
And, btw, the bird is lovely!
I have been enjoying the birds and squirrels in my yard, and you are right, Nature does have a way of lifting our spirits.