Wednesday, August 4, 2010

School stuff and weather

I have been busy changing things up in our school room/DR.  I thought it would be good to have a fresh look when school starts.  So I took down my existing stuff and rearranged it all.  And will add new stuff too!
The boys' excitement warms my heart.  It is truly priceless!  And yesterday when their curriculum came I saw that same excitement.  Take a look.

I had planned on showing you some of the new things later when my room is complete, but some cuteness occurred and it must be shared!
We have already started using these printables(you'll see this in the video below)that I found on one of my new favorite homeschool blogs, Confessions of a Homeschooler.
The boys have been very interested in "tomorrow".  They will ask me, "Does tomorrow have a tomorrow?"  So when I came across this printable it was perfect!!
The curriculum came with a calendar so I will just add this in our everyday lesson.  


Also from Confessions of a Homeschooler blog I found this "Chart the Weather" printable.  Daily we will chart what the weather is for that day.  To go along with us tracking the daily weather is a Weather Graph.  This is where we will keep track of what the weather was like each day of that particular month.

I had both printables laminated.  And then cut them out.  I added Velcro so we could attach the squares for the Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow chart.  The "What's The Weather Like Today" has little squares with weather ranging from Sunny(shown above)to Snowy.  The boys are already having fun with this. 

OK now on to some cuteness.
If you know Matthew you know he is a little shy in public, but a totally different boy at home.  And put him in front of a camera and WOW!,  the boy is a real performer!  Ryan is just the opposite in front of a camera. 
So without further ado I give you Matthew the Weather Man.  (Listen closely because Ryan does talk over Matthew in some spots.)


Meagan Dennison said...

I love how he uses his hands! So funny.

Janet said...

Oh, my goodness!!!!
That is too precious!!!
Are you sure we are not related??? Richard tells me that if I could not use my hands to "talk", I would never say anything:)

They truly are precious and just too funny!!!!