Tuesday, September 28, 2010

1st Science experiment

Four words for you!  The dog ate it!
Seriously, Arthur ate the boys' 1st Science experiment. 
Note to self: Do not leave a bowl of food in a window that a dog can reach. 
Our theme this week is the SUN.  We were to put a small bowl of green grapes in a SUNNY window and watch them change.
Arthur had other plans for the grapes.  All 12 of them.

1 comment:

Renee Fontenot said...

The dog is understandable. The girls were upset with me for a long time for killing their huge tadpole, in an experiment. I thought he needed a little sunshine and put him outside for the day. Well when I went to bring him in for the night, he was a cooked tadpole(sun). I felt horrible.