Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chore Chart

I have been wanting to make the boys a chore chart for a year now, but never seem to get around to it.  Today Matthew, Mr. Creative, found some clip art that I had printed out.  He knew what it was for and boy was I in trouble. 
One reason I had not made the chart yet was because I wanted it to be super cute and colorful and laminated and this and that and get the picture.  Professional looking.  I love to fiddle with craft stuff, but I just don't have that knack like some people I know.  I wanted it to be appealing to the boys.
Well today Matthew insisted I do it!  And we did!
I found this one where you can generate your own chore chart.  You can pick a Bible verse to go along with it and select the chore you want to add.  And check them off as you go each day.
But again he insisted that we use what we had on hand to "create" our own.  Thank God he wants to create!!!!  So here is what we came up with.  The boys helped me glue the pictures to cardstock poster I made.  Then I finished it up with the smiley face border and Bible verses.
(You must have a HAPPY heart even when doing a chore.)
The boys only have a few chores.  Making their beds, feeding Arthur, setting the table(napkins and silverware), clearing the table(all we could find was a "washing the dishes" picture), taking the trash out and swiffering the floors.  Cleaning your room and picking up your toys throughout the house is a given! 
We do not pay for doing chores.  It is just part of contributing to the family.

I included two bible verses on the chart as I am sure their will be days they will need to hear them.  After all  I know how much I dread housekeeping myself.

No, its not the super creative chore chart I had envisioned, but it will get the "job" done and that is all that matters anyway.  Matthew thought it was a good idea to hang it right outside their bedrooms.  This way they would see it first thing in the mornings.  Smart kid!
Chore chart done!

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