Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day!!!

I am happy to report it was short and SWEET! 
The boys' first lesson was to sound out what was for breakfast.  I will have weekly menus for during school hours.  Breakfast, snacks and is hanging on the fridge.  I told them they had to sound out the words of what they were going to eat for breakfast.
They were ready to eat so I helped them sound out what was on the menu for this morning.  And boy were they surprised!! The excitement was priceless!  Strawberry-banana smoothie and C U P C A K E S!!!!!!
There was even some jumping up and down!

They were suppose to be really cute school themed cupcakes, but I ended up with this.........

Who wouldn't want a devil's food cupcake with icing, sprinkles, M&Ms and Hershey bars for breakfast?!

After this the energy was high and they were pretty restless so we did start earlier than expected.  But first I had to take some pictures and of course give first day goodies.  They each got new pencils, paint brushes and Creation "silly bands"(bracelets).  These silly bands are the silly things I said I would not allow them to have, but when I saw these I caved. Plus Ryan loves them.....he is sleeping with them on tonight.
  The first 2 weeks of their curriculum is all about God creating the earth.  So these were perfect!!!!  If you not familiar with these silly bands they are nothing more than rubber bracelets.  When they are off they are in the shape of something, but on they just look like a rubber bracelet. 

These first two weeks will be short days. Very short days. 
The boys are so sharp and some of this stuff they already know very well.  
 I didn't want to run into the next day's lesson since it is about God creating Earth on certain days. There crafts that go along with each day.   They loved it!  Both made comments about how much fun they were having at school.  We had a short break, captured some pictures and ended our day by 9:30.  

My little Kindergartners................


I had wanted them to dress nicer for these pictures, but then I thought why? 
This is how I will remember them.  Their favorite shorts(which they wear every other day if I get them washed), tshirts and bare feet. 

We had planned to go out to dinner to celebrate our first day with Daddy, but he got off early so we all went out to lunch.  The boys got to pick.   MEXICAN!

It was a good first day!  I want to thank ALL the family members and close friends that called and emailed us about our BIG day.  This is a new chapter in our lives, thank you for sharing it with us!  
I feel so blessed to have family members and close friends(near and far)who believe in us and are supporting us along the way.


Meagan Dennison said...

glad to hear it went well!!

Janet said...

So glad it went well.
Tasha, you have so many great ideas, and I just know that it is going to be a wonderful year!!!