It is going to happen.
Everything has been planned out. Supplies are in order. Curriculum is here and ready to use. Days have been prayed about. This is a major thing about to happen in our lives!
And there is one person who is determined to stop this from happening. He is hard at work to destroy my good attitude about it all. I am no fool. I see the daggers flying all around me. And I am dodging everyone! The devil is hard at work.
People(unexpected people)feel the need to make comments about our decision and doubts were churning. But I made a strong decision yesterday, after I put on my "Homeschool Moms Rock" tshirt, I am fully capable of doing this. Some may ask, "Why are you so confident"?
Simple answer. I have Almighty God on my side!
As I sat this morning reading God's word I felt a peace about it all. Sure I realize things will get hairy from time to time, but knowing He is with me in everything I will be doing makes it all the more bearable.
I can do this!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
My quiet times early in the morning with God will give me the strength I need. A time to sit with my coffee and read His word. A peaceful place to sit and talk to my Father about the day to come. A very needed time to give me hope and guidance to begin the day. A time before the boys get up and the day gets loud and crazy. A time to thank Him for the blessing of being able to do this! I am an early bird so at 5:30AM the house is still and quiet so I can listen to God.
I am feeling refreshed this morning and eager to see the day begin. And cannot wait to hear Him speak to me tomorrow morning!
"God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work".
2 Corinthians 9:8
When do you have your quiet time?
You CAN do it, Tasha!
You are a wonderful momma, and those two sweet boys are very blessed to have you!
I admire you so much! You'll do a great job teaching those boys. (ps. I hope it wasn't me who caused you to doubt!!)
i'm so thrilled to see how aware you are of the struggles you will face, all truly from Satan's plans.
I remind Moms very often that they should take as much time planning NOT to homeschool as they had planning to do it. It's so easy to get discouraged, but looking at how long you have this planned!
remember too that all you need to say is that it's what God has called you to! & I can't wait to see how great it is for your family!!!
A mom, gave me this verse at the very first homeschool support meeting I attended, the one that convinced me to homeschool.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 ESV
He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
God has called you to do this. He won't physically do it for you, but He WILL EQUIP you spiritually for this task.
Sometimes people's questions aren't really questioning, they are just truly interested in the WHY you choose to do something. Satan sure is good at using other's words, I think it's his favorite tool, to make us doubt.
Hugs for you, I loved this post! You are going to do great, you are already wiser than I was when I began! ;-)
Thanks ladies! Your support means the world to me. And I will call on you in the future for more! Love you all!
I read a thing recently, said by a hs mom: "All good parents teach their kids at home. I choose to do it full-time."
Can't even begin to tell you how many times someone has asked me what I will do if it doesn't work. Meh. I haven't even BEGUN homeschooling yet ... I'd like to ask some of these people if they've given as much consideration to the appropriateness of their own kids' schools as they are giving to mine. Wonder what they'd say if we were to remind them that their kids benefit from the surplus education funds created by our families, from our tax money. Gives us more of a right to question them than it does them, us, don't you think? Hypothetically, of course. ;o)
(P.S. My Bible study group is: a substitute teacher, a resource teacher, an elem school principal, and a curriculum specialist. What kind of work is God doing on me, here, anyway?)
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