Thursday, September 9, 2010

So excited!!!

School will start on Monday.  I will begin homeschooling our boys on Monday!!!!
It feels like I have been blogging about it forever. 
The topic of school came up today and the boys were surprised to hear me say it will start in just a few days.  I had to go through the whole, "Today is Thursday, tomorrow is will have to sleep this many nights and wake up this many days and then it is SCHOOL!!"
Ryan could wait another year to start, but Matthew?  No way!  He could have started last year.
So to say he is excited is an understatement.  This child thrives when he is learning!
I am pretty excited too!  Before the boys I was a very routine type person.  When they were born I was a routine FREAK!  Now that they are older and out of the baby stage things have become pretty relaxed around here.  I am ready for a routine again.  Nothing too strict, but a little structure is good.
I am most excited about Monday.  Their first day!  I am working hard to make this a FUN first day!
LOTS of surprises! 
As I put Matthew to bed this evening he whispered to me, "Mommy, I am so excited for school to start on Monday."  And then hugged me so tight!
Oh how it warmed my heart!  I can't wait for it to start either!
So excited!!!!