Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We have been taking the boys to this pumpkin patch for five years now.  Some years are better than others and today was the best so far!  Since we do not celebrate Halloween this is a big part of our Fall FUN!
Right after school this morning I finished up some last minute things around the house and we were out the door.  Apparently going a little later in the morning is the best time to go.  By the time we got there all the schools were leaving so it was pretty empty and wide open for the boys to roam.  And roam and roam and roam.  This is the longest we have ever stayed at the pumpkin patch.  3 hours! 
It was a lovely day to be outdoors, but I am paying for it this evening.  Oh my allergies are awful! 
Thank the good Lord I did not get a really bad headache until after we left. 
The boys had a blast.  I will let the pictures tell the story this evening as I am still dealing with a headache. 
I only shared a few, but to see all the pictures from today you can check out the boys' Shutterfly page.
Oh and the new header(THANKS Meagan!!!)....those pictures are of course from the pumpkin patch.

It was a little bittersweet to see them out there today.  They certainly are not these little babies anymore.

                                                              October 2005


Clorissa said...

Soooo precious!!! I was just going through pictures last night of my now 5 year old at the pumpkin patch, when she was a baby. (Sigh) The time passes so quickly.

I love your new header on your blog. Very nice.


Anonymous said...

Yes! I too love the new blog header. The pumpkin patch is so much fun. Our trip is next Thursday and I hope to get some fun pics... I know what you mean about children growing up. My oldest son turns 14 today ♥ wow! I can hardly believe it. He was such a precious little boy and has grown into a man that I am very proud of, but it is so bittersweet!!
Hope you are having a blessed week! It is so great that you have gotten to post so many fun things. I have been so busy I haven't had time to post at all ~ soon I hope:)
♥ Kelsey