Friday, November 19, 2010


My Friday has been my Monday all over again. My head has yet to clear up so not much has been accomplished today.  The steroids will kick in soon and I pray I will start to feel better.

No matter how I feel when I look into these eyes I instantly feel love. 
Two totally different little personalities to love.

They are my life!  They are the sweetest most ornery little boys I could ever dream of.  No, you can not have them!  They are all mine!

Each day we share together is a true gift from God.  And I do not take that for granted. I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with them.  And absolutely love teaching them.
They are always up to no good and a day never goes by that I do not get a big hug from them both. 
Oh talk about the love they give.  My heart melts. 
I refuse to believe they will grow up and leave me one day.  It just will not happen!

There is no baby in them anymore.  Every day I witness more mature thoughts and actions.  Of course they still do silly, kid-like stuff, but that is the BOY in them.  They may be boys, but they still need their Momma immensely.
Matthew loves the camera and Ryan is just the opposite.  Shy and wants to run.  That's OK...look at those dimples!
I love these boys!


Renee Fontenot said...

Loved this post, you know we were always told "just wait until they're teenagers"! Well those so called years came and went(I guess), and we still enjoy one another, and prefer each others company over others. I know the girls will start their homes someday and I will rejoice with them but somehow I see us always wanting to share our time with one another.
The girls bring me such joy, a lot to be thankful for.
Keep it up~
Hope you feel better!

"The greatest influence on earth whether for good or for evil, is possessed by woman" ~John MacArthur

dew said...

You said it, Tasha, as only a momma of boys could say it! As for them growm up and leaving--that is simply not a possibility. At all. Ever.

Janet said...

Such sweet boys! (and if it helps
any, I say that Tehya and Sage are
NEVER leaving us, either!)

Hope you feel better soon, I am just catching up on blogs, so I didn't know you were still not feeling well!