Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger is BACK!!!

Blogger is back up and running, but I have lost a post and comments from posts.  And several posts that I was working on.  So back to writing again.  I will hopefully have a FUN post later today since we had fun this morning!

If not I just wanted to say have a great weekend, get outside and do something FUN!!!!
I don't know about where you are, but the weather here in Fort Worth, Texas is AMAZING!!!!!


tiffiny said...

I lost my last post, too. And my memory isn't good enough to redo. Boo.

championm2000 said...

Looking forward to having Blogger back and reading a fun post from you later today. We'll have to live vicariously though your weather this weekend since it's supposed to rain here all weekend.

With Blogger down, it gave me time to respond to the Versatile Blogger award...thanks again for thinking of me.