Saturday, May 21, 2011

Choo Choo Creamery

Yesterday our "ending school celebration" took a different turn.  We got a very late start, it started raining and Brant got off early.

The principal had a need to go to Bass Pro Shops and after telling the boys it is very much like Cabela's they were all set to go.

I had one surprise up my sleeve to share......Choo Choo Creamery.  ChooChoo Creamery is this cute little ice cream shop where the theme is trains.  Did you guess that already? 

You order ice cream and as they make it it is loaded on a train up on top of the cooler.  When they are all done the kids or adults can push a button for the train to take your ice cream to the check out.

While they are making your order you can of course watch as they add the extras to the ice cream.  For the little ones there is a raised step so they can see.

See the little red button right at Ryan's shoulder(your right).  That is THE button.  The button that makes the train go and the one the boys were so anxious to push.

As we were looking over what to order I found the sizes.  Different, but cute I guess.
They have peewee, yummy, wow and awesome.
The boys got yummy and Brant and I got wow.  And WOW it was.  I'll be having the yummy from now on. 

And just for kicks and because I am sure someone is wondering(like my mother).............
Ryan: chocolate ice cream with gummy worms
Matthew: cotton candy ice cream with gummy worms
Brant: cheesecake ice cream with graham crackers and fresh strawberries.
Me: chocolate ice cream with coconut and almonds.

After you get your order you can sit and watch more trains.  We sat for a few minutes and then made a run for the car since it had slacked up a bit.  The boys LOVED the Choo Choo Creamery and I am sure we will make more trips there this summer. 

After finishing up our dessert we started on supper. It was a great day of FUN celebrating the end to our school days.

1 comment:

Jamie Boros said...

I want to go to choo choo creamery! Looks like so much fun! I had a chocolate monkey smoothie for dinner last night...and just skipped the dinner. ;)