Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day first and most importantly to my Momma.
You have always been my inspiration.  And continue to be while raising the boys. 

You were always willing to give everything you had to make us happy.
To give us everything we could have ever wanted. 
Remember those little suede Mary Jane shoes I cried for for hours?!?!  And what about when I went through the stage of wearing all black?  You loved me all the same.  And even when I did weird things to my hair! You were always so patient with me.   

I am so thankful I was blessed with a godly mother.  You were always a true example of what God wanted a Mother to be.  I often find myself telling the boys some of the same things that you told me growing up.  I just wish I could be as sweet as you were to me. But, Momma, boys are so different!   You always had a Bible verse to tell us to support your reason of discipling us. 
One of my favorites and it is SO true......

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Proverbs 15:1

No matter where I was in my life you were always there.  You always taught me to trust in God and pray.  And when I think about my life I can't see my life without God in it.  Thanks to you!

Momma, I have BIG shoes to fill!

I hope on this Mother's Day that you have a relaxing, FUN day full of surprises. Make sure you have a yummy dessert too! I love you and miss you! See you soon.....I hope!

And to all you other Mothers,  Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!  Do something FUN, make your family wait on you, go shopping, etc.  Whatever makes you happy on your Mother's Day!

**Make sure to check back later for more Mother's Day goodness**


Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute.

Jamie Boros said...

Loved this post!

Renee Fontenot said...

Anonymous would be me, Renee

Heather Enochson said...

Tasha, this is so sweet. It just doesn't get much better than having a Godly Mother. What a blessing.