Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

I am so excited to tell you that I received the Versatile Blogger Award!!!! Excited, excited, excited!!!!

There are rules to follow when accepting the award.  RULES?! Seriously? Ok I will follow them and  be happy to do so.
1.Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.                                                        
Thank you Blissful and Domestic !!!! :) Danielle is full of great ideas and makes me wish I could sew all the time.

2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
 Not sure this is a good idea, but since it is a rule.....

1.  I do not like to cook and am not afraid to admit it.  BUT I am learning!  Just tried a new recipe today!!!!  I'll share later since everyone seemed to like it.  They ate it....that's a start!

2. I don't like the feel of lotion on my body.  I have tried all different brands and the feeling drives me nuts!  Not to mention the smell!

3. I am a strong advocate for my son who suffers from Infantile Scoliosis! EARLY TREATMENT can work if done properly!!!!!

4. I throw away everything!  I am often accused of throwing things away without asking first.

5. I just tried sushi for the first time last summer.  And LOVE it!!!!!!

6. I once won a lip sync contest for singing Holiday by Madonna dressed as Madonna.  Wish I had a picture to share.

7. I am a home body!  I love my home and our great backyard.  I love being in my home or outside with my boys.  Some weeks I can go all week without ever leaving.

~~~Next I must pay it forward and award the Versatile Blogger Award to some recently discovered new bloggers. I hope I do not get in trouble and the award taken away from me, but I truly do not have 15 recently discovered bloggers that I follow.  But I do have a few new ones and then the ones I have been following for a while.~~~(I really did try to follow the rules!!!)
So please check out these new blogs I have recently come to love and am happy to award the Versatile Blogger Award to.

For the Love of B
MaMe Musings
Oswald Cuties


tiffiny said...

Yay! Cool! Thanks :)

championm2000 said...

Congrats on your first award! Much deserved!

And, thank you so much for choosing me! I will be sure to respond and pass along the blog love.