Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Last night as I gathered my cleaning products to wash my face I glanced in the cabinet.....I was sickened by what I saw.........

.......a bunch of stuff, junk, a waste of money, spur of the moment spending items!!!!

Products I have bought over the years(yes, some I have had for years!). Many I have only used a few times!!! What a waste of money.  And space in my cabinet. 

That was enough to start my journey around the house.  If I found all that stuff in the bathroom I can only imagine what I will find elsewhere. 

"To simplify our lives"

That is part of my motto for this year, but will focus on it this month in particular.   To get rid of useless stuff and NOT buy things on an impulse!!!!  Going through cabinets, closets and drawers is a HUGE start.

I frequently go through my closet and ANYTHING I have not worn/used(purses)in 3-6 months I give away.  Not only does it give us more room it is helping someone else who could use it.  I take everything to Goodwill unless I have friends who can use it.

But then when I think of all the money I wasted it makes me a little bummed!  It is one thing to outgrow a wardrobe, but to just give it away because it was a spur of the moment purchase.....well that is just wasteful!!!!  Money down the drain.

I then went to the kitchen.  I opened a cabinet where I keep vases.  Why on earth do I need so many vases?  In every size and shape? It's   I never have fresh flowers except during the spring and summer.  Yet I have an entire top shelf of a cabinet devoted to nine CHEAP vases.  What a waste!

Shall I keep going? I will, but not today.  I'll save more for later this month as I go through our home and simplify our lives. I am linking up with Melissa over at MaMe Musings as she does a 12 in 12 and will share along the way.

Instead of listing a specific number of items or set number of things she wants to do or change, Melissa is selecting 12 words that represent her core values in 2012.

Each month she will focus on one core value. During the month, she will seek out opportunities that allow her to explore that value in as many ways as possible.

To keep herself accountable and to document her journey, she will blog about her experiences and what she learns along the way.

On the first day of every month, she plans to announce that month's core value. Then, at the end of the month, she plans to reflect on the month's adventure.

I loved this idea!!!  And since she invited her blogging friends to join in and link up I was on board immediately!  Go check it out and you too can join in!

So for January my core value is to simplify our lives/home!!!

For now I am off to go through cabinets.  Happy HuMp day!!!!!


championm2000 said...

Thanks so much for linking up!

Your value for the month is so similar to mine: order!

I felt the same way as I started going through my drawers, closets, and baskets. So much unnecessary, unused JUNK.

I can't wait to read about your journey to simplify (and steal, I mean, borrow, your great ideas!)

Meagan Dennison said...

I'm on a SIMPLIFY kick also. I love going through cabinets/drawers, etc and throwing stuff out.

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I have been doing that very thing this month. Going through drawers and closets, weeding and throwing out junk! I LOVE simplifying and the peace and order it brings!!!