Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sometimes I just have so many thoughts and have no idea where to put them in a post.  So that brings me to a bunch of random thoughts.

And believe me it will be all over the place!

1. Comments on my blog-for some reason blogger is sending many of your comments to spam and my computer is not telling me.  I don't always check my spam either.  I am sorry if you have commented lately and I totally ignored you.  I try to respond to most comments, but do have those busy days where it is not always possible.  Anyway I am working on the problem of comments going to spam.

2. Followers-I am one away from 50!!!  Of course that would then make it an even number and I see  myself as an odd number gal. So then I would need 2 more followers to throw me over the 50 mark.

3. Getting boys out of bed for school-It has to be one of the most annoying things I have to do early in the morning!!!!  Although we homeschool I do try to start our day out with a routine.  And part of that is getting up early.  I start waking the boys at 7:30(I open their doors at 7am).  By 8am the air horn starts going off.  Sometime the lights flash on and off.  I hate having to wake them, but not everyone gets up as easily as me.

4. Hair-I have been growing my hair out lately.  I am a 44 year old woman.  I will turn 45 in September in case you want to know when my birthday is....I love chocolate by the way.  Anyway the hair.  I want to know your thoughts.......should a woman over 40 have long hair?  Does it make her look older?  Does she look like she is clinging to her youth by wearing scarps of long hair?  Truly, tell me what you think.

5. Downton Abbey-IT! IS! ENDING! FOR! THE! SEASON!  This Sunday night will be the last episode for the season.  I am SO bummed and have no clue what I will do on Sunday nights now.  And there is no telling how long it will take for season 3. 

6. First 3D movie-Today my sister and I are taking the boys to see their first 3D movie.
Star Wars-The Phantom Menace.  They received money for Valentine's Day(instead of candy)from Aunt Licia & Uncle Jim and Grams & Pop so we are off to see the movie.  I am not sure they will dig wearing the glasses the whole time.  I know I will enjoy some  theater popcorn!!!!

7. More hair-this is the longest the boys hair has ever been.  And I am liking it.  Ryan's is harder to deal with because he has cowlicks all over his head. But since I have allowed it to grow out they are laying down better.  Unless he sleeps.  Tomorrow though I will take them for a trim.  To a trendy salon to get a "style".  I have never done that before, but figure if we are going to let it stay a little longer then I need to at least make it look somewhat presentable.

 So here are the before pictures.  These were from this morning so you will see Ryan's bedhead hair.  And this is on a good day!!!!  I'll post pictures after there haircut tomorrow to see the trend setting little boys. 

Thanks for reading my randomness.  Happy Thursday!!!!!!!


Renee said...

Well, the girls and I like you with long hair but do whatever you and Brant like. I have seen older women who look lovely with long hair and some who seem to look better with a shorter hair cut.
Downton started filming 3rd season and will air in UK in the fall.The last episode is good, although we didn't care for a couple of situations.

Anonymous said...

I LoVe your longer hair Tasha! I don't think age has much to do with it... it's whatever you like and feel HaPpY with. I don't see any thing wrong with clinging to youth:)

Sorry I still don't have my guest post ready... things have sorta gone wonky here lately and I have had to set blogging aside for a bit:( All in good time I guess ~ you haven't been forgotten ♥ Happy Thursday!

championm2000 said...

I think your hair looks great (and you totally don't look 44)!

Angelia said...

I loved the randomness. I struggle with the opposite....getting the little bogggers to go to sleep. What is your little ones bed times and do they go to sleep easily? I like your hair long and mid length. You have such a happy fun personality I am sure you are joyfully youthful in person. Happy fun Friday. Angelia in Tx

Tasha said...

Thanks ladies for your sweet comments about my hair! Angelia, the boys' bedtime is 9pm. Sometimes we allow them to sit in bed and look/read books. I probably should make it earlier so they can have more time to get to sleep. Allowing them to look/read books starting at 9pm means they probably do not fall asleep until 9:30 and then I am waking them by 7:30. Maybe I should start getting them in bed by 8:30???

Blissful & Domestic said...

Oh man I didn't know the season ends this sunday. What will hubby and I watch know...tear! I love that show. and I love your hair. Who cares how old you are it looks good:>