Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SPRING-things we enjoy during this season

We headed to the park yesterday.  It is right up the road from our house. It has a nature trail where we love to look for beauty along our walk.  Since last week was wet on the first day of SPRING and I had a busy week and weekend we are just now finding time to get outdoors and enjoy this weather.

Here are some of the things we enjoy doing during the nice SPRING months here in Texas.

Stand back and look UP at the beauty.

Bird watch!

Always look for flowers!

 Stop to take a picture so you can remember the day.

Climb a mountain....OK a hill.

Look for turtles basking in the sun.

And pause for more pictures for Mom.

Play ball with Daddy!!!

Climb a tree!

And let everyone know we were here. 

And when you get home sit down and document what you observed in nature.  OH HAPPY SPRING!
Happy Wednesday!  Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Heather Nelsen said...

Love the pictures!!! What a sweet time. Happy Spring to you!!!