Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The RIDE/Part 2-Matthew and Ryan turn SEVEN

So when I ended my story yesterday the boys had just been born.  We were now on a different kind of ride.  A ride called real life parenting. 

This was the real deal!  The real thing!  REAL LIFE!  Two little lives that we were now going to be responsible for.  What on earth were we thinking?!?!  I am so kidding, but yes, there have been days I have thought that for a split second.
The hospital stay was short and I took full advantage of that nursery the day they were born.  I knew the ride was about to get really CrAzY and I needed to rest up.  So I did!!!!

Here is our new little family.  And look...I have make-up on and my hair was done thanks to the wonderful nurses in the hospital that took care of the boys!!!  Oh I felt so much better! 

We went home on Wednesday and the RIDE has not stopped since!!! 

Some days I feel like I am on the log ride.  Slowly enjoying the ride at a slow, nice speed. 

And then other days I am on that ride that drops you from high in the air to the ground in less than 30 seconds. 
It is ride I never want to stop and I have no desire to get off. 

It. is. tiring.

That is for sure, but life in general is tiring.  And a little hard work is good for everyone!!!!! 

So today the ride slows down just a little.  It slows down to celebrate two very special miracles.  To celebrate their lives and all they add to this ride.

Today my sweet baby boys are SEVEN YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!

We surprised them this morning by having a gift set up in the back yard. Later they decided to eat breakfast inside.

One set of grandparents are on their way today.  And another set and an aunt will be here on Friday through the weekend. 

Tonight we will celebrate their real birthday and then this weekend a good old fashioned backyard party with friends. 

It will be a busy rest of the week, but lots of FUN.  I'll be back next week hopefully to share their FUN!  And my ideas for a old fashioned birthday party!!!

Hope you all have a great Wednesday and enjoy the rest of your week!  And get outside and have some FUN!!!!


Renee, Lindsey, and Lauren Fontenot said...


Unknown said...

AWWWW! Happy Birthday to them! I hope they enjoyed it :) They are such cuties!! You must be proud. But I can completely agree, that the ride is tiring, and I didn't have twins LOL. It's a lot of work, but the rewards are so worth it. Sometimes I think we're crazy and other times I'm like "wow, this is amazing!" hahaha ;) I love it :)