Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We had to do it!

Ding dong! The pumpkin's dead. Which old pumpkin? The "getting too out of control taking over our beans and soon our cucumbers" pumpkin!
Ding Dong! The Great Pumpkin is dead.

We had to do it!  My dream of growing pumpkins is shattered, but not lost forever.  One day when we move to that big old farm house on 50 acres I'll have my pumpkin patch!!!

For now I'll take my bush beans and cucumbers!!!

Hacking away!

You can read all about how our pumpkin tales HERE

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Oh I'm so sorry Tasha! Pumpkins are fun! I grow them for a living here at Silo Hill Farm and they take a ton of space! Hope you get to your farm house someday!