Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fall/Christmas Simmering Potpourri

Happy Wednesday!!!  How is the weather in your neck of the woods?  We have had cold mornings and nice chilly days.  I love this kind of weather!!

When the days are cool outside I love to create a warm setting inside.  For me that includes a warm smell.  Something my very sensitive nose can tolerate.  My two favorites are a fall one and then one for Christmas, but they are both good at anytime of the year.

Hope you enjoy!

Fall Simmering Potpourri
Three cinnamon sticks
Three or four whole cloves
Two pinches of ground cinnamon
One pinch of nutmeg
Two or three apple slices, including the peel (optional, but really nice!)
Mix all ingredients in medium saucepan. Simmer on low heat. Add more water as needed.

Fall Simmering Potpourri

You can go here  for the Christmas Potpourri.  The picture below is before it is simmering.
Christmas Potpourri

This makes a great little gift for Christmas! 
Or maybe someone else is cooking the feast next week and you need a little sussy. This would make a lovely hostess gift to take to the cook.

Now go make your home smell good!!!!

1 comment:

championm2000 said...

Wonder if I should make a batch tonight and smell up the house real good in advance of our showing tomorrow??