Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Conversation Heart Wreath

This year I am not planning much for Valentine's Day since we will on the road. Ryan's check-up for his Infantile Scoliosis is on Valentine's Day in Dallas so we will be gone for a few days.....I'll give more details on that later.

But #2 insists we put a few things up, make Valentine's Day cards and have a party before we leave.  Well we all know you can't have a party without decorations so I better get busy!

Yesterday I made a Conversation Heart Wreath to hang up to show a little love.  This is SO easy!!!
Your older children can make this with very little if any help.  And with you cutting everything out even younger children can make their own.

All you will need is construction paper, cereal box for the wreath (or any piece of cardboard), scissors, glue and a marker or crayons.

I used a dinner plate to make my wreath.
 And then a smaller plate for the inner circle.

 Next you'll work on the placement of your hearts.
 I tend to like BIG puffy hearts.  My likes were WAY TOO big and I had to trim them down to fit.  Just play around with the placement before you glue them on.
Before gluing don't forget to write your "conversations" on the hearts.  You can go by the classic conversation heart candy or make up your own.  I did a little of both.   Next add a ribbon and hang for all to enjoy. Another option is to add magnets to hang the wreath on the fridge.

Either one is an easy little Valentine's Day craft for you and your sweet children to enjoy together.

Happy Tuesday y'all.

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