Sunday, February 17, 2013

A week {in a Instagram}

1. Boudin balls. For those wondering.....boudin is a sausage made of meat combined with spices and rice, unique among American sausages, and the recipe comes to us directly from the Cajuns who settled so much of Louisiana. Both the French and the Belgians have “boudin” but it is made differently from the version we see in Louisiana, as neither of those cultures include rice in the mixture. In addition, our local boudin is what would be called boudin blanc, as it does not include pig’s blood in the recipe. Most of the color actually comes from the spices in the mixture.
Ground pork is combined with seasonings, then with the rice, and it is then stuffed into the sausage casings. Boudin balls however have no casing and are coated in a batter and deep fired.

2. First ever homemade chocolate cake. It was a super easy recipe, but it was not so great. Must try another recipe!  Or stick to a box mix.

3. My love of Mason jars means an excess of lids. All my extra lids have a home now.

4. How do you entertain your children when you are trying to pack for a trip?  Simply throw blankets and pillows on the floor and let them FLIP.  Continue flipping until they can't flip anymore.

5. My Honey remembered!!!  He has been buying these for me since right before the boys were born (almost EIGHT years!).  I can remember having a bag of these to take with me to the hospital when I went on bedrest.  Bedrest started two days after Valentine's Day....February 16, 2005.  I had a "sweet drawer" right next to my bed.

6. Well hello Sam, nice to see you again.  This was while traveling to Ryan's appointment.  The boys love seeing Sam Houston.

7. At the hotel while traveling...this was the boys' bed. Picture caption is this, "We travel in packs".
8 dogs, 1 parrot, 1 possum and 1 raccoon.

8. Appointment day.  Up at 5:30am, appt. at 1:15, left hospital at 4pm.  One. tired. little. boy! 
I'll post soon about the appointment.  Right now I am still trying to wrap my head around it all and make it a post worth reading.  Not a mad rant about Infantile Scoliosis.

9. While in Fort Worth the boys wanted to go to The Historic Fort Worth Stockyards. We love the stockyards!  Always have and always will. The Fort Worth Herd is the world’s only twice daily cattle drive. People line the streets to see the cowboys walk the herd from one end of Exchange Avenue to the other. The boys have been going since they were old enough to say COW. It's a favorite for them.  And me too!

10. Having a niece who works at Starbucks has it's perks.  Perfect Valentine present for me and my Momma to share. 

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I have never heard of those boudin balls. I think Sam might like them as he seems to like Cajun spices. Glad they don't have pigs blood! Fun way to entertain the boys and wear them out at the same time. Thanks for sharing the pics of your trip. I really love the cattle drive ones. Sorry about the cake. I don't make cake very often because I'm not a frosting kind of girl and everyone here wants frosting!!