Thursday, May 1, 2014

Good Morning May!

Mornings=Pondering on life

Good Morning May! 

Although I am not really ready for you I do have a few requests.......can we please work together and make this an awesome month?  I'm thinking healthy eating is in know lots of fruits and veggies. What about an extra dose of Super Hero will power???  And what about great weather?  That would be mornings, pleasant days and maybe not so humid.  Can we have easy days with the boys,  accomplishing every task on my list and no arguing!! And what about weekends filled with FUN and no drama?  No heartache this month!  And absolutely no surprises!!  Please May be good to me.

Is that all too much to ask??  I know May can't do these things for me.  I just have to set my mind to them and DO IT!

If you follow me on Instagram I shared my thoughts about life yesterday.

Pondering life as I do most is, and never has been, what I expect it to be.  That is wonderful and at times maddening!  I don't have all the answers but I do have some.  And know without a shadow of a doubt Who has them all.  Those I do have answers to I have learned the hard way.  This morning as I see my daylilies about to bloom and anxiously await their show I can rest knowing my faith tells me no matter what lies ahead of me God is already there.    

 As I start a new month (which is AWESOME!!) and am anxiously awaiting what will come I CAN rest.  I can be at peace, rejoice in the fact that The Almighty, my Almighty, God is taking care of every single detail.  He is working it all out for His Good not mine.  And YOU can have that too!!!!  It's not easy this thing called life.  I get kicked in the gut DAILY!!!  And that is exactly when I call on and hold especially tight to my Heavenly Father.

Maybe life is just peachy keen, but something seems to be missing.  Maybe that is the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart.  Listen He is talking to you.  Be still and have a chat with Him.  He is waiting.......

 I speak from the heart friends.  My words are all kooky at times, but He knows what I mean and knows my heart.  And really that is all that matters.  I hope my humble thoughts speak to you today and hopefully lift you up as we begin a new month in this life.

Good Morning May.  

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I hope May brings you all of the things you are seeking my friend! It's moving day for me and it's been a long time coming! I hope May is good to all of us!